- Through various inspirational networking and coaching activities for Euregio students (43 events were organized by the 3 partners during these 3 years of the project).
- Through concrete support like specific “for change” coaching and grants to further their projects in 4 specific matters (16 projects from the 3 Region part of the project received grants to further their project).
- Through videos (more than 100 videos to provide educational support for student entrepreneurship and to promote a better understanding of entrepreneurial opportunities in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine.
- Through research (200 Euregio students answered a survey) and sharing best practices across partner institutions (12 categories of support were identified and 9 best practices were developed).
Bridging the gap for international entrepreneurial action:

1. University of Liège (Lead Partner)
The University of Liège has a long experience in Entrepreneurship education and support. In addition to traditional lectures in Entrepreneurship, Bernard Surlemont has launched a Master degree in Entrepreneurship more than ten years ago: HEC-ULg Entrepreneurs. HEC-ULg Entrepreneurs is a course which covers entrepreneurship in the broadest sense. It is characterized by its practical learning and teaching methods which are unique in Belgium and are entirely structured around and complementary to both Belgian and foreign businesses. In 2014, the University has launched an incubator (VentureLab) dedicated to students and young graduates. The VentureLab offers a range of services adapted to the target public of students: for example, 7 experienced coaches are helping on a long-term perspective the young entrepreneurs to deal with the challenges they face while creating their start-up.
2. RWTH Aachen University
The Chair for Business Administration and Sciences for Engineers and Scientists – Innovation and Entrepreneurship Group (WIN) builds an interface between the School of Business and Economics and all the other schools of RWTH Aachen University. Since 2003, the Chair offers a set of courses that teach basic business knowledge to non-business students as well as specific and advanced entrepreneurship content to both business and non-business students. Furthermore, the Center for Entrepreneurship of RWTH Aachen University, which provides support and coaching to potential founders, is attached to the chair.

3. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
The Innovation, Technology Entrepreneurship & Marketing (ITEM) is part of the department of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences at the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. The group consists of faculty, PhD students and personnel who participate and contribute to the research and program of management education. This group focuses on comprehension and improvement of commercial processes and the development of products. This program is one of the major programs in Europe in terms of quality, impact, productivity and social relevance.