See-V-Lab is being carried out within the context of Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine, with 798.860 euro from the European Regional Development Fund

Best Practice: Prototyping Service at Innovation Space

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The prototyping services are part of the TU/e Innovation Space. TU/e innovation Space is the center of expertise for challenge-based learning and student entrepreneurship at TU/e, a learning hub for education innovation and an open community where students, researchers, industry, and societal organizations can exchange knowledge and develop responsible solutions to real world-challenges. 

To support student and teacher in achieving this mission, a wide range of prototyping support is available at TU/e Innovation. They provide students with unique and diverse equipment and techniques appropriate for interdisciplinary education. The facilities were established by identifying needs for courses and challenges and by considering what other departments lack. As such, they help the students to work on prototypes without having to invest in materials themselves. 

Anik Jacobsen Co-founder of CU/p: innoSpace is an awesome place for open-minded innovators and students who want to become such. I received a lot of support from the community and staff to start my own project and not be afraid of challenges. The space itself invites for creative working sessions and provides a lot of prototyping opportunities. Of course, the network to like-minded students, staff and stakeholders was wonderful and the vivid exchange always sparked new ideas. 

