See-V-Lab is being carried out within the context of Interreg Euregio Meuse-Rhine, with 798.860 euro from the European Regional Development Fund

What is a banker expecting from your file?

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If everybody needs bank services one day, a young entrepreneur does not necessarily know how to address a banker.

This note is aimed at giving entrepreneurs tools to prepare a meeting with a banker through questions he will ask himself and will ask you too.

  1. 1)  Who are you? What is your project?
  2. 2)  What do you want? In what way will the project be useful for youractivity?
  3. 3)  Is this what you really need, regarding your equity?
  4. 4)  How will you pay back? How will this loan generate revenue?
  5. 5)  What guarantees can you give? How far are you ready to get involved?

To help you understand the context the banker works in, a few extra elements are given in the form of questions/answers, such as the main banks structure, some advice about how to get a credit, or helps for loans.

Two specific cases will show you that all experiences are different and that there is not only one way to get well prepared.

At the end, a few extra resources are added to the note.

Through this note, you are invited to consider the banker no longer as a judge who might respond your demand with “yes” or “no”, but as a partner who, if you are well prepared, will be able to help you in your project.

Written by:

Geoffrey Bailly student at HEC Entrepreneurs 2017-2018

