Generally speaking, a company is formed when its status is drafted and signed. The traditional approach observed in the startup world is this one:
“Have an idea -> Create a business -> Search for customers -> Sell the project”
The aim of this work is to create a reflection to modify this way of doing business. Indeed, driven by the power of knowledge that gives the technological evolution, the media and the speed of information sharing, the consumer develops more specific expectations. It is therefore essential to test the market’s receptivity tothe product or service before selling it.
This approach will also allow the entrepreneur to meet its first customers, to create notoriety and a professional network before starting his activity. This may, for example, enable him to conclude some contracts in order to start the production.
This work, illustrated with several concrete examples, aims to answer the first questions that a young entrepreneur, who would like to sell before starting a business, asks himself. This work is divided into two parts. The first part answers to the question “why realizing the first sales before the creation” by presenting the advantages, risks and methods of carrying out such an approach. The second part answers the question “how” based on Belgian legislation and proposing different opportunities for the young entrepreneur.
At the present time when many projects are developed on a daily basis, it is useless to develop an activity around an innovative idea without knowing if it will meet market expectations. It is therefore essential to test and validate the previously established hypotheses in order to maximize the chances of success.
Written by:
Bastien Colson Pierre-Aubin Reginster, students at HEC Entrepreneurs 2018-2019